Jesus Will Come

Jesus Will Come - The Coming Of Our Lord Jesus Christ To Earth

This website is about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many people ask When Will Jesus Come back to earth for the rapture. The answer is very simple, no one know, not even the Son of God knows, But only God knows the exact time and date.

Jesus Will Come

When Will Jesus Come?

Don't let anyone fool you. If someone tells you they know when Jesus Will Come, they are lying to you. Not even Jesus himself knows when he is coming back. The only one who knows the exact moment is God the father. Dont fall for false words. Many people may tell you they know, or they may say God talks to them and God has told them.. Don't believe, but you don't have to take my word for it. Look in your bible on Matthew 24:36 says: No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.


You might be wondering, why create a website about the coming of Jesus? Well, the answer is simple. I believe the Lord called upon me to create this website to spread the word about the coming of Jesus. I wanted to give something back to Jesus. He has blessed me so much and I wanted to so something for him. But I am not a talented person. I am very shy. I admire those people who go out and preach the word to other strangers. I think it must take a lot of courage to do that. My mom once told me that God uses each individual according to their gifts, or their skills. I dont have those skills. My mother, she has the skill of just going to strangers and start a conversation. I would be proud of my mother when she would come home and tell me her experience when she would go out and when she come home, she would tell me how many people she had save. She called it 'Soul Winning' I admire her for that and i am very proud of her for that. I could not do that. But the Lord has blessed me with wisdom. Computer wisdom, that is. I started getting curious about how an internet web page works, soon I learn all the skills and bought the domain - originally, i wanted to get, but it was already taken. So if you are wondering why that is the reason. I hope you find good inspirational content on this website. if not, i would encorage you to leave your comments or perhaps write an article, you can write your own article in the 'Post New Topic' section above.

Posted on Thu Oct 28, 2021 By bryan (US)

may we have a safe trip traveling today

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Posted on Mon Aug 16, 2021 By just (US)

dear god i dont know where to begin, please forgive my terrible grammer i never got much out of school i was always being beat up and picked on but i guess you already know that the last time i talked to you i was pretty mad cause my baby sister and my best friend commited suicide, me and our mom found her hanging in her room i had to cut her down cause i thought she was still alive and maybe there was a chance to help her but it was to late she was gone my mom has never been the same ive never been the same none of us have and at the time i was so mad i couldnt understand how this could happen she was such a good person, she literally spent most of her time helping others with there problems
so much so that she put aside her own problems and it became to much anyways you know all this so im not going go on and on about cause you know its been years and i really am still in the same dark abyss as before my health is severly deteriorating and because of covid im afraid to try to get medical help i feel like there are demons all around me taking me apart peice by peice because i refuse to take the mark of the beast i just want you too know ive been able to hoild them off so far but im starting to tire alot i dont know how much longer i can do this, there is no i can talk to and no where i can go ive had heart attacksabot and years ago and last year i had a stroke my legs are so bad right now i can barely walk ive lost evety thing because od this evil pandemic i have to go someone is coming
please help

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Posted on Fri Feb 05, 2016 By joes


greetings to you all my friends,am joes from united states of america i am here to share my testimony on how i got my ex back with help of a great LORD ,i came across him while i was surfing the internet and all i requested from him to do for me all came to past he is a true and also honest and trust worthy you can reach him via his personal him your problem and he'll help you solve them.God bless.and thank you all for reading my own part of his works.

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Posted on Sat Aug 14, 2021 By im (ZA)

my number is * * * * * * * *

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Posted on Sat Jun 18, 2016 By Sean

Please God help me find a wife.

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Posted on Sat Aug 14, 2021 By o (ZA)

my number is * * * * * * * *

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Posted on Thu Oct 05, 2017 By DEARLY


My daughter whose 1 & 9 months died last april due to open heart surgery because of heart failure, and since that day my life was ruined, and of today i fell like drowning of financial debt, i dont know wahat to do, where i get money to be free from debt and i am in trouble, double problem, i didn't yet overcome the loss of my child, the pain is always following me...
help me that God will erase all of this...when i am alone,i felt that i want to die but i am pregannat now.

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Posted on Fri Aug 13, 2021 By una (AU)

i’m so sorry, jesus bless and help you i pray you are well now and in a better place your daughter is laughing and playing in heaven she has wonderful friend in jesus i pray you have no more debts 💜

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Posted on Fri Oct 14, 2011 By john herd

thanks for your site it was a great help. Gods blessings over you

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Posted on Sat Jul 17, 2021 By no (PE)

no no no no no no no no n o

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